Friday, November 30, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Improving strength power and endurance

Anastasia Weight Loss : Improving strength power and endurance: Kettlebell training was first used during the 1700s, and is today experiencing increased attention as an effective and fun part of a tra...

Improving strength power and endurance

Kettlebell training was first used during the 1700s, and is today experiencing increased attention as an effective and fun part of a training program. When used correctly, kettlebell exercises build strength and endurance and can be used as part of a weight loss program or when trying to improve back problems. The basic movements engage the entire body and are often used as part of interval training, crossfit, circuit training etc.

The world's most famous spine expert, Dr. Stuart McGill, discovered some unique loading patterns during the kettlebell swing. These loading patterns and the strengthening of the posterior chain contribute to the improved back health some people experience from doing kettlebell exercises. Other studies support these findings and also show that properly performed kettlebell movements reduce pain in the neck and shoulders.

Kettlebell training can be an effective tool when trying to improve strength, power and endurance. Exercises usually involve explosive movements and shouldn't be performed in the slow and controlled way seen in regular weight training. Kettlebell training isn't as effective as Olympic exercises when training for strength, but includes beneficial movements not found in weightlifting and is also easier to learn.

Kettlebells can be an excellent part of an aerobic workout, and research shows that during an intense 20 minute snatch workout, the caloric burn is at least 20 calories per minute. This is according to the researchers off the charts and compares to cross-country skiing up-hill at a fast pace.

Compared to explosive barbell movements; kettlebell exercises can be done with less weight and are easier to perform. This is the reason kettlebells can be an excellent part of a high intensity circuit training or interval training.

Getting started with kettlebells

Beginners with no previous experience should consult an experienced coach who can teach them how to perform the different exercises. The basic movements can usually be learned quickly and are excellent tools when learning hip extension, glute activation and proper movement patterns.

Performing kettlebell exercises the wrong way increases the risk of injury and limits the actual benefits of the exercise.

Females can usually start with a 12 to 26 pound kettlebell, while an appropriate starting weight for males is between 20 and 35 pounds. If the kettlebell is too light, the movement won't engage the glutes and hamstrings properly.

Beginners will usually experience some pain in the wrist area when doing certain exercises. This is natural and will reduce as they adapt to the exercises and improve their technique .

A 20 minute kettlebell workout performed twice a week can be very effective when trying to enhance back health, lose weight and improve strength and endurance. A couple of minutes of work followed by short breaks can be a good start when using kettlebells as part of an aerobic workout.

Anastasia Weight Loss : Effective way to cleanse your liver

Anastasia Weight Loss : Effective way to cleanse your liver: It seems like half the world is trying to lose weight right now, and many are restricting calories and hitting the gym. While these aren't...

Effective way to cleanse your liver

It seems like half the world is trying to lose weight right now, and many are restricting calories and hitting the gym. While these aren't bad options for either health or weight loss, they aren't the fastest or most effective ways to lose weight either. The hands down fastest and most effective way to lose excess weight is to cleanse your liver. Why? Your liver is your prime fat burning organ and it's also your prime detoxification organ. So, when your liver is overwhelmed with toxins - which is incredibly common these days - it makes it challenging for your liver to get around to burning fat. And when this is the case, weight loss is very difficult - no matter what you do. This is exactly why most people struggle when trying to lose weight, and this is the reason it so often seems like an uphill battle.

But when you ease your liver's detoxification burden, your liver will have the space to burn fat. And since that's what a great deal of people want, it makes sense to help your liver along by detoxifying your liver.

The most effective way to cleanse your liver is with coffee enemas. In fact, using coffee enemas with other weight loss methods might ultimately mean the difference between success and failure. Even a few weeks of coffee enemas can kick start the weight loss process and really get you going in the right direction.

To enhance your weight loss and detoxification, you can do coffee enemas while juice fasting. Juice fasting with coffee enemas is an easy and safe way to both detoxify your body and lose excess weight quickly. If you have weight to lose, it wouldn't be uncommon to lose ten pounds with a week of juice fasting and coffee enemas - and you will keep most of it off, as long as you revert to a healthy fruit and vegetable centered diet that's low on carbohydrates. If you're new to fasting, you'll probably experience some detoxification symptoms during the process, so make sure you understand what's going on before you get started. And with any enemas, you'll also want to make sure you're replenishing your healthy bacteria afterward.

Other ways to support your liver on an on-going basis are to keep your lifestyle chemical-free and your diet as close to nature as possible. Processed foods, unnatural foods, and chemicals from all sources create a burden on our liver (that often leads to disease) and makes it very hard for us to lose weight. Herbs like milk thistle, dandelion, and burdock root also support and cleanse the liver, although to a far lesser degree than coffee enemas.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Intense Lifestyle Changes Required to Prevent Dia...

Anastasia Weight Loss :
Intense Lifestyle Changes Required to Prevent Dia...
: Intense Lifestyle Changes Required to Prevent Diabetes The results of a study published in the  Archives of Internal Medicine  show that i...

Preventing Diabetes

Intense Lifestyle Changes Required to Prevent Diabetes
The results of a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine show that intense lifestyle changes including diet and exercise demonstrated significant decreases in body weight and lowered blood pressure and A1C blood glucose readings. Cardiovascular health also improved as blood pressure was reduced and HDL cholesterol levels increased.

The study continued over the course of four years and found that compared to a control group the lifestyle intervention participants experienced a considerably lowered risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as biomarkers which predict diabetes. The study also found that the prescribed lifestyle intervention group also lost an average of 7% of their body weight. This is significant as research has shown that losing as little as 5% of total weight can reduce the risk of mortality from all causes.

Diabetes is Caused by Poor Diet and Inactive Lifestyle
Diet is the single most important factor which leads to metabolic dysfunction, loss of blood sugar and insulin control and excessive levels of triglycerides which become stored as abdominal fat.

Many other factors contribute including lack of physical activity, smoking and environmental pollutants and toxins. Diabetes is a lifestyle disease which can be prevented by following a natural diet, getting regular exercise and limiting exposure to household and environmental toxins.

Improving Blood Sugar and Lowering Cardio Risk Factors
Diabetes and heart disease are closely linked as diabetics run twice the risk of developing coronary artery disease and dying from a heart attack. In large part this is due to the damage caused by rapid swings in blood sugar after meals, which are high in refined and processed carbohydrates and are immediately released into the bloodstream. This damages the delicate endothelial lining of the coronary arteries leading to plaque buildup and vascular deterioration.

Following a natural diet which excludes all sugar, processed carbohydrates, wheat and hydrogenated fats is the best strategy to prevent diabetes and related cardiovascular disease. Monitor your blood sugar at 1 and 2 hour intervals after eating and be sure that the reading stays below 140 mg/dl. Readings above this level are associated with dramatically increased risk of diabetic complications and promote heart disease.

Modern medical science has been slow to uncover and reveal the real cause of diabetes and heart disease. Alternative health advocates have long known the healing power experienced by switching to a diet void of processed foods and by eliminating household and environmental toxins. Those with the true desire to make permanent natural lifestyle changes will be able to prevent diabetes and heart disease while naturally promoting weight loss.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Weight Loss Tips

Anastasia Weight Loss : Weight Loss Tips: Time-tested weight loss methods The best way to lose weight is not necessarily the fastest one. With all the diet trends, accessories and...

Weight Loss Tips

Time-tested weight loss methods

The best way to lose weight is not necessarily the fastest one. With all the diet trends, accessories and supplements on the market, we are bombarded by testimonials of people sporting flat abs and six packs endorsing the latest fad diet. They swear by how effective it has been for them and how they are having the time of their lives.

Truth be told, who wouldn't want flat abs or a six pack? Unfortunately, short-term gains are difficult to sustain unless the individual actually decides to make the personal decision to want to live a healthy life.

The best approach to losing weight is to choose a system that, once initiated, can be sustained in the long run. Below are some tips that you can slowly incorporate into your everyday activities. If you have been practicing them already, congratulations! If not, it's not yet too late to give it a try:

1. Practice Mindful Eating- Recently, the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior revealed that individuals can still lose weight even if they eat out.

Researchers from the University of Texas observed 35 healthy pre-menopausal women who ate out frequently. Test subjects took part in a six-week program called "Mindful Restaurant Eating." The focus of this program was on preventing weight gain and not weight loss. Test findings revealed that participants in the intervention group lost more weight, had a lower percentage of fat and a lower average daily caloric intake, and experienced increased self-efficacy in managing diet when eating out.

The message here may simply be to eat in moderation, or, not eating in excess. Depriving yourself of your favorite food may no longer be necessary if you reduce your normal serving to a smaller portion so your body can burn it faster and avoid weight gain.

2. Learn to handle stress - Stress, especially stress related to work, is found to increase the chances of obesity. Researchers from the University of Rochester studied the causes of and solutions to obesity in employees from a manufacturing facility in New York. The study looked at 2800 professional male employees and discovered that those in more stressful positions had a BMI unit of weight more than those in less demanding jobs.

The same finding also holds true for women. In 2000, a study conducted by Yale University showed that non-overweight women vulnerable to the effects of stress were more likely to have excess abdominal fat with higher levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress. Studies have shown that cortisol can affect fat distribution by causing it to be stored in the abdomen around the organs.

3. Drink plenty of water - Recent studies have now shown that drinking water is an effective weight loss strategy. In a study, it was discovered that dieters who drank water before eating three times a day over the course of roughly three months lost five pounds more than those who did not have increased water consumption. Water has no calories and consuming it before meals makes less space for food in the stomach.

Researchers also noted that consuming water was better than soda and other sweetened drinks, which are packed with sugar or artificial sweeteners, additives that have found to contribute heavily to weight gain.

Moreover, it is suggested that six to eight glasses of water be taken daily to maintain the water content of the bile, according to Michael Murray, N.D., and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., in their book "The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods." Fresh fruit, pure water and vegetable juices are the preferred methods of meeting the body's water requirements.

4. Get a sufficient amount of sleep - Not getting enough sleep may increase your chances of becoming overweight in the long run. A recent study from Uppsala University revealed that the brain's response to food is more active after one night of sleep loss.

Researchers from Uppsala University together with researchers from other European universities studied the brain of 12 males with normal weights while the subjects viewed images of food. They examined regions in the brain involved with appetite sensation using magnetic imaging and compared results after a night with normal sleep and one obtained after one night without sleep. According to Christian Benedict, the lead researcher in the study, "After a night of total sleep loss, these males showed a high level of activation in an area of the brain that is involved in a desire to eat."

Insufficient sleep appears to be a problem that plagues modern society. Being able to get at least eight hours a night may be crucial in maintaining health and avoiding cardiovascular and weight-related conditions.

5. Exercise your way to health - In a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, maintaining weight and fitness levels as we grow older may be enough to see significant benefits.

According to Duck-chul Lee, a lead researcher in the study, if you're overweight, losing weight and improving your fitness may be the best combination for health maintenance. The study discovered that people who kept up or improved their fitness levels lowered their risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and their risk to metabolic syndrome (a term used to refer to a group of risk factors for heart disease such as unhealthy cholesterol level, abdominal obesity and high blood sugar.)

At the onset, people who are overweight often fail to notice their weight loss because they get hungrier and start eating more. This shouldn't discourage them, according to Dr. Lee. What is essential is to use exercise to get fit, and one way to decipher progress is to see how you feel when going through your exercise routine. If it's getting easier, you are getting fitter.

Don't settle for the quick fix

The best way to lose weight is not necessarily the fastest way. Resorting to fad diets may not be feasible in the long run, especially if no exercise is incorporated into the program. Furthermore, if moderation in food intake is not learned, the subject may be subject to binging episodes, leading to the regaining of more weight than what was originally lost.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Anabolic Diet

Anastasia Weight Loss : Anabolic Diet: Basics The anabolic diet is based on a book of the same name by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale. It is a low-carbohydrate diet based on alternating...

Anabolic Diet


The anabolic diet is based on a book of the same name by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale. It is a low-carbohydrate diet based on alternating low-carb and high-carb days. The diet claims to work by encouraging the body burn fat instead of carbs.

According to The Anabolic Diet book, burning fat may lead to fewer hunger cravings making it easier to adhere to the diet. Carb cycling is different because it involves alternating high carb and low-to-moderate carb days following a workout schedule. High-carb days are for working out hard and replenishing glyocgen stores, a substance the body uses for fuel. Lower carb days burn fat.

Anabolic diet

The principal of the anabolic diet is to make the body a fat-burning machine. Followers start with one week of only low carb eating to make the body start burning fat for energy instead of carbs. After week one, the diet recommends eating low carbs during the week and high amounts of carbs on the weekends.

Alternating low and high carbs days prevents the body from reverting to burning mainly carbs for fuel. The higher carb days also allow the body to replenish fuel used during vigorous exercise.

Carb cycling

Carb cycling allows more freedom in scheduling which days are low-to-moderate carb days and which are high carbs; people can match their more intense workout days to their high carb days. Rest days and light workout days lend themselves to eating fewer carbs and lets the body burn fat for fuel.


A major difference between the two diets is fat intake. Carb cycling suggests followers eat low fat, even as little as possible on high carb days. This is especially beneficial for people who like fatty foods. The anaboic diet allows people to eat 15 to 20 percent of calories from fat on high carb days when the body is geared to burn fat.


The diets also differ on protein intake. The anabolic diet allows for one-third of calories to come from protein. Carb cycling has specific protein recommendations: between 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight on high carb days and between 1.25 and 1.75 grams per pound on other days. Both eating plans ensure people eat sufficient protein to build and maintain muscle.

Choosing a diet

People with demanding work schedules may prefer the anabolic diet because eating the same on each week day is simpler. People who engage in high-intensity workouts during the week may prefer carb cycling. However, people react differently to low-carbohydrate diets. One of these plans may work better for certain people depending on what their bodies naturally need.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Magnesium weight loss

Anastasia Weight Loss : Magnesium weight loss: I just read Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and I agree with my friend, magnesium expert, Morley Robbins who says th...

Magnesium weight loss

I just read Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and I agree with my friend, magnesium expert, Morley Robbins who says that just about every chapter in Wheat Belly relates to magnesium deficiency. But the author, because of his myopic medical training, doesn't realize the connection. Morely feels that there is a biological change on the part of the eater that's fueling this allergic response, i.e., magnesium deficiency. And with the research on magnesium deficiency associated with pancreatic enzyme deficiency, we have another clue. I've already said a lot about weight and its association. 

1. Magnesium helps the body digest, absorb, and utilize proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

2. Magnesium is necessary for insulin to open cell membranes for glucose.

3. Magnesium helps prevent obesity genes from expressing themselves.

Magnesium and the B-complex vitamins are energy nutrients: they activate enzymes that control digestion, absorption, and the utilization of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Lack of these necessary energy nutrients causes improper utilization of food, leading to such far-ranging symptoms as hypoglycemia, anxiety, and obesity.

Food craving and overeating can be simply a desire to continue eating past fullness because the body is, in fact, craving nutrients that are missing from processed food. You continue to eat empty calories that pack on the pounds but get you no further ahead in your nutrient requirements.

Magnesium is also necessary in the chemical reaction that allows insulin to usher glucose into cells, where glucose is involved in making energy for the body. If there is not enough magnesium to do this job, both insulin and glucose become elevated. The excess glucose gets stored as fat and contributes to obesity. Having excess insulin puts you on the road toward diabetes.

The connection between stress and obesity cannot be overlooked. The stress chemical cortisol signals a metabolic shutdown that makes losing weight almost impossible. It's as if the body feels it is under an attack such that it must hoard all its resources, including fat stores, and won't let go of them under any inducement. Magnesium can effectively neutralize the effects of stress.

The public has been told that obesity is inherited, which makes people think they don't have a hand in creating this problem and can continue their bad habits and blame their genes. Animal experiments show, however, that if a mouse with an obesity gene is deprived of B vitamins, the obesity will be expressed. But if it is fed plenty of B vitamins, it will remain thin. The process of metabolizing B vitamins is called methylation, and magnesium is necessary for one of the most important steps in this process.

Every metabolic function in the body requires vitamins and minerals - without them, symptoms develop. Therefore, the first step in treating nonspecific symptoms is diet and dietary supplements, not drugs. It is also important to note that many of the weight loss diets that people subject themselves to are often deficient in magnesium.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Gluten Free Diet Plan

Anastasia Weight Loss : Gluten Free Diet Plan: Miley   Cyrus and Kim Kardashian tweeted about giving up gluten. Lady Gaga is the latest celebrity to go on a gluten-free diet to lose we...

Gluten Free Diet Plan

Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian tweeted about giving up gluten. Lady Gaga is the latest celebrity to go on a gluten-free diet to lose weight. Everywhere you turn it seems someone is talking about the evils of gluten. Is gluten-free the new low carb?
Certainly a gluten-free diet is vitally important for individuals with celiac disease — an inherited autoimmune condition that affects about 1 out of 100 Americans. For these folks, a gluten-free diet is far from a fad. The gluten in wheat, rye, and barley can severely damage the intestines if not strictly avoided.
Beyond those with celiac, there’s another 6 percent of the population who are estimated to have a gluten sensitivity, according to registered dietitian Rachel Begun, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “We know that damage to the intestines does not occur, like we see in celiacs, but symptoms do improve when following a gluten-free diet,” she said.
Yet, celiac and gluten sensitivity are not the driving force behind the soaring rise of gluten-free foods. Instead, these foods are increasingly being gobbled up by people who want to lose weight. In reality, there’s nothing inherent about a gluten-free diet that will enhance weight loss, unless it helps you “get rid of the junk” and eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are naturally gluten-free, says registered dietitian Shelley Case, one of North America’s premier experts on the gluten-free diet.
“I’ve actually seen people gain weight on a gluten-free diet, especially if they’re relying on a lot of highly refined gluten-free products,” Case said.
Many commercially prepared gluten-free baked items often have twice the carbs and a lot of sugar and fat compared to their gluten-containing counterparts, she said. That’s because when you take out the gluten you need the extra sugar or fat to get the right taste and texture.
Even though these products are basking in the better-for-you spotlight, don’t think you’re enhancing your health by loading up your shopping cart with packages of gluten-free muffins, cakes, and cookies. “Just because it’s gluten-free doesn’t mean it’s healthier,” warns Case. Gluten-free foods offer no specific advantages, beyond the benefits for people who are diagnosed with celiac or have a gluten sensitivity. In fact, gluten-free foods are often nutritionally inferior.
Many commercially prepared gluten-free baked goods are made with refined flours and starches that are low in fiber and protein, and do not contain iron, folic acid and other B vitamins that are routinely added to wheat flour. Because many gluten-free grain products are not enriched, people with celiac often have a hard time getting enough of these key nutrients, Case said.
Several studies have shown that people following a gluten-free diet, especially when relying on commercially prepared gluten-free foods, have diets low in iron, fiber, B vitamins, calcium, and vitamin D. When Swedish researchers studied adults who had been gluten-free for 10 years, half of the patients had vitamin deficiencies, including vitamin B-6 and folate, and high levels of  homocystene (a risk factor for heart disease).
Fortunately, some manufacturers are beginning to use more nutritious, higher-fiber flours made from beans, almonds, or whole grains such as quinoa, amaranth, brown rice, and sorghum, and are starting to enrich gluten-free baked products with essential nutrients.
“There was an emphasis on getting it gluten-free without looking at the overall nutritional value, but that’s beginning to change.” Case has chronicled some of the more nutritious gluten-free products in her book Gluten-Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide.
Another potential problem may be the lack of a standard definition for gluten free. FDA is expected to make a final ruling to define the claim (amount of gluten allowed in parts per million). But for now, companies are coming up with their own definition. Since gluten free is not yet legally defined, companies may not be motivated to validate their claims through testing. That will likely change once FDA makes its final ruling, which is expected by the end of 2012.
For now, some companies do routinely test their gluten-free products and attempt to reassure customers with voluntary certification programs, including those offered by the Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG), National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA), Celiac Sprue Association (CSA), and Canadian Celiac Association (CCA).
Once the FDA ruling is announced, the gluten-free flood gates may open even wider. Perhaps it’s the power of marketing, but when you see so many products boasting about the lack of gluten, more people will likely be convinced that these foods are healthier choices – even if they don’t have celiac or fully understand the meaning of the claim.
So if you do choose to go gluten-free, you need to pay special attention to the nutritional adequacy of your diet. Instead of buying so many prepared gluten-free grain products, make your own with some of these gluten-free whole grains: brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, corn, millet, teff and oats (look for pure, uncontaminated oats). And don’t just toss a product in your cart because you see gluten-free on the label.
Bottom line, a cookie is a cookie, whether gluten-free or not, says Begun. “It’s not a health food, and when eaten in excess can contribute to weight gain.”

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Weight Loss Basics

Anastasia Weight Loss : Weight Loss Basics: Weight Loss Basic Diets At Weight loss for we make it our mission to provide you with the information you need to make informe...

Weight Loss Basics

Weight Loss Basic Diets

At Weight loss for we make it our mission to provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your health, nutrition, diet and exercise. We’re constantly confronted with people who are trying to lose weight, but don’t know much about the foods they eat, the types of exercise they need to do, or why they’re not losing weight. The best way to learn how to take control of your diet is to spend some time perusing our selection of weight loss articles, free.
To help lose fat body, you’ll need to know quite a bit about how your body works, and what kind of diets and exercise will help you to achieve this goal. It isn’t simply a case of eat less, exercise more – you need to know what you’re putting in, if you want to guarantee what you get out of a diet.
Carbohydrates and Calories
At the heart of any healthy diet is a good treatment of carbohydrates, and careful monitoring of calorie intake. Our weight loss articles have been created specifically to help people with no background in nutrition understand, in simple terms, how our bodies use carbohydrates. We explain the difference between good carbs and bad carbs, and show you exactly where you can find the right kind of carbohydrates to use in your daily meals.
You can try dieting without exercise, but good luck with that! Sure, it is possible to lose weight without much exercise, but simply going for a brisk 30 minute walk every day will make any diet much, much more effective. Exercise speeds your body’s metabolism, and helps you to burn fat faster. But it’s still easy to go to gym, spend an hour there and accomplish nothing! Our free weight loss and exercise articles will show you exactly what it is you need to be doing to achieve your weight goals.
Knowing everything there is to know about nutrition can take years of study. But fortunately for you we’ve collected the wisdom of dozens of experts, and put it in our free weight loss articles so that it’s easy to understand what’s good for you, and what isn’t. Take a look through some of our nutrition articles – you might be surprised at how bad some ‘healthy’ foods really are for you...
Mind Matters
We’re sure you know that dieting is half what you eat, and half how you think. This section of our website has weight loss articles that are specifically designed to help with the mental aspects of dieting, and to give you loads of tips and tricks to keep your morale up and your willpower strong. You have the power to achieve anything with a little determination, so keep thinking healthy!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Lose weight in a month

Anastasia Weight Loss : Lose weight in a month: f you’re one of the millions of people out there looking to lose weight in a hurry, then you know full well that any minor cutbac...

Lose weight in a month

f you’re one of the millions of people out there looking to lose weight in a hurry, then you know full well that any minor cutbacks or quick food changes aren’t going to get the job done.
In order to quickly lose a significant amount of weight and notice the results visibly and physically, you’ll need to make some pretty big sacrifices and actually work hard at it.
Despite what you’ve been told, diets do work. And not only that, but “quick” diets are also able to work.
The reason most people claim diets don’t work is simple: they’ve dieted, lost weight, dropped the diet, returned to their old lifestyle, and put the weight back on with pounds to spare! Then they sit around with a donut in their mouth talking about how “diets just don’t work for me.”
Don’t fall into that trap. If you want to lose 20 pounds in the next month, here’s a great way you can do it.

Lose Weight and Inches in a Month

The Routine
The routine here is going to be relatively simple in premise while maybe difficult to implement (in the sense that you will need to actually work!). We’re going to go with a low carb plan and plenty of exercise after the first week.
For the first week, you’ll be a little weaker than usual as your body makes the switch to a different fuel source to thrive. Exercising in the early stages of this diet would exhaust you, so revel in the fact that you have a solid week of non-exercising.
The Diet
For the diet itself, we want to eliminate carbs from our diet for the first week. Calories won’t be a huge issue, but try not to exceed 2,000 a day! Since you’ll be eating more foods with higher concentrations of protein and fat, it’s easy to woof down 3,000 calories a day and basically become an unhealthy shlub.
Eat around four smaller per day, with no more than a maximum of 20 carbohydrates (any type of carbohydrates) per day. Keep at this for one solid week – 7 complete days.
The Exercise
On the 8th day, the start of week 2, we want to start exercising. Here is where things get a bit difficult. At this point, you can up your carb total to around 60g per day in order to keep up with the energy. The most important thing is that you’ll need to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, preferably an entire hour.
You can start off light if you need to, but you should be doing some serious cardio by the third week.
We’re talking about jogging and/or cycling, climbing, step aerobics, etc – basically anything that keeps your heart rate up. At the start of the third week, we want to switch our exercising: one day of cardio, one day of weight training (light or heavy), and so on.
You will need to keep this pace up until the four-week period is over. During this time, if you’re able to limit your carbs and keep up with a nicely paced exercise routine, your body should be devouring your fat stores. Not only will this help to drive your overall weight down, but it will leave a noticeable result and help you fit back into those high school jeans.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Raw food dieting

Anastasia Weight Loss : Raw food dieting: (NaturalNews) Out of all the weight loss programs that exist, very few are as simple and obvious as a raw food diet. People often forget ...

Raw food dieting

(NaturalNews) Out of all the weight loss programs that exist, very few are as simple and obvious as a raw food diet. People often forget about the calories that get padded on to foods through basic cooking techniques. Between oil and butter, as well as the general frying and baking process, a meal can have up to 25 percent more calories than the ingredients alone.

Furthermore, since the body has to do a little more work in order to consume raw foods, it results in a substantial difference in the caloric intake of a meal. There is a very interesting study on this topic that was recently featured in Forbes Magazine. Basically, a group of scientists studied lab rats over a span of forty days and one group of rats ate raw foods, while the other ate cooked foods. It was so interesting how the body masses of the rats ranged between the two groups. The conclusion to the experiment was that raw food consumption does result in weight loss.

How does this affect general nutrition?

If there is a goal that relates to weight loss or a lower caloric intake for whatever purpose, it is advised that raw foods, as a replacement to cooked foods, will produce this result. It is common sense that cooking food will increase the calories, however most people do not consider that eating it prior to cooking is even an option.

What raw foods should be the focus?

The answer to this is simple: dark, leafy greens. Most people know through common nutritional trivia that dark leafy greens are essential to any standard of health. They are packed with vitamins and they have seemingly endless nutritional benefits. The irony of this strong stigma of dark, leafy greens is that many people do not even know what vegetables qualify as dark and leafy.

For those that prefer meal planning and grocery shopping with a list, it is recommended to deviate from that habit just once so that a stroll through the produce section of any grocery store can fuel ideas on all that is dark and leafy. So many vegetables can be used in simple and quick recipes that have great nutritional value, and just knowing the names of such ingredients will aid any Internet search for recipes. Specifically collard greens and dandelion greens are easy ingredients to begin exploring.

With so many weight loss methods that are filled with uncertainty and even potential health risks, raw food dieting offers a truly natural alternative to curb weight in a healthy manner. Additionally, raw food dieting is enjoyable and a voyage that will result in wonderful discoveries through tasting new flavors of foods that are familiar, and perhaps a few that are not!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Weight loss and good health

Anastasia Weight Loss : Weight loss and good health: Ancestral/paleolithic diets consist of meat, fish, fowl, eggs, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and other foods available before the agricult...

Weight loss and good health

Ancestral/paleolithic diets consist of meat, fish, fowl, eggs, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and other foods available before the agricultural revolution. Sugar, flours and processed foods are absent, and the consumption of grains, legumes and dairy is limited. Differences in food availability among populations are huge, but obesity and disease are pretty much absent in all of the societies that have been studied.

Primitive cultures getting the majority of their calories from carbohydrates usually eat plenty of fruits, nuts and root tubers and other vegetables. The Kitavan Islanders of Melanesia have access to an "abundance" of food, with 60-70 percent of their energy from carbohydrates. Saturated fat from coconut is also a big part of their diet. This macronutrient ratio strongly resembles that of a westernized diet, but obesity and disease are absent in this and other cultures with the same lifestyle.

However, people in other regions have been known to thrive on a high fat and/or high protein diet. Animal products are common food staples in these populations, and the fattest part of the animal is always eaten.

Physical activity, sun exposure and other environmental factors can further promote good health, but have been shown to only offer a degree of protection against obesity and disease. Some non-westernized populations engage in a minimal amount of physical activity and still maintain excellent health.

People living on ancestral diets quickly become obese and diseased when they begin to eat western foods, even if they maintain regular physical activity and sun exposure.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Anastasia Weight Loss : Natural Psyllium

Anastasia Weight Loss : Anastasia Weight Loss : Natural Psyllium: Anastasia Weight Loss : Natural Psyllium husk is an amazing shrub-like ... : Natural Psyllium husk is an amazing shrub-like herb that is ...
Natural Psyllium

Natural Psyllium husk is an amazing shrub-like herb that is most commonly found in India. It possesses a plethora of health benefits and has proven effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome, colon caner, constipation, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, ulcerative colitis and atherosclerosis among various other health conditions. Akin to flax seed and oat bran, the fiber in psyllium husk is soluble. Soluble fiber is useful in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) which reduces the risk of heart disease and promotes overall health.

Psyllium husk is a bulking fiber, which means once ingested it expands and forms a gelatin-like mass in the colon by drawing water in. Once this occurs the husks are able to "scrub" the intestines clean and transport waste through the intestinal tract.

Better than pricey weight loss supplements

Although typically psyllium husk is thought of as colon cleansing or regularity supplement it can be very useful as a weight loss tool. Psyllium husk is highly effective when taken about 30 minutes before meals. This way, the husks will have time to expand in your stomach and give you a "full" feeling. This will help you eat smaller meals and thus lose unwanted pounds.

Unfortunately, when the majority of the population buys a weight loss supplement, they don't question what's in it or how it works. Many of these so called "weight loss supplements" that will cost you an arm and a leg are simply cheap fiber supplements. Most of them are in the pill form which means you're getting a miniscule dose and none of them are more effective than whole psyllium husks.

Tips for using psyllium husk

There are many psyllium husk supplements available; however, they are not all created equal. Many manufacturers grind the husk into a fine powder and then add artificial flavors and colors to make it easier and more pleasant to consume. This not only makes the psyllium husk far less effective, it introduces unwanted toxins to your system. This variety is typically the only type you will find in traditional grocery stores.

You will likely need to go to a health food store to purchase whole psyllium husks with no additives. Whole psyllium husks can be difficult for some people to swallow, so be sure to drink your husks with a full glass of water to avoid choking. It is also important to drink lots of water while taking psyllium husk because without sufficient water the husks can begin to create blockages in the intestines.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Weight loss methods

Anastasia Weight Loss : Weight loss methods: Time-tested weight loss methods The best way to lose weight is not necessarily the fastest one. With all the diet trends, accessories a...

Weight loss methods

Time-tested weight loss methods

The best way to lose weight is not necessarily the fastest one. With all the diet trends, accessories and supplements on the market, we are bombarded by testimonials of people sporting flat abs and six packs endorsing the latest fad diet. They swear by how effective it has been for them and how they are having the time of their lives.

Truth be told, who wouldn't want flat abs or a six pack? Unfortunately, short-term gains are difficult to sustain unless the individual actually decides to make the personal decision to want to live a healthy life.

The best approach to losing weight is to choose a system that, once initiated, can be sustained in the long run. Below are some tips that you can slowly incorporate into your everyday activities. If you have been practicing them already, congratulations! If not, it's not yet too late to give it a try:

1. Practice Mindful Eating- Recently, the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior revealed that individuals can still lose weight even if they eat out.

Researchers from the University of Texas observed 35 healthy pre-menopausal women who ate out frequently. Test subjects took part in a six-week program called "Mindful Restaurant Eating." The focus of this program was on preventing weight gain and not weight loss. Test findings revealed that participants in the intervention group lost more weight, had a lower percentage of fat and a lower average daily caloric intake, and experienced increased self-efficacy in managing diet when eating out.

The message here may simply be to eat in moderation, or, not eating in excess. Depriving yourself of your favorite food may no longer be necessary if you reduce your normal serving to a smaller portion so your body can burn it faster and avoid weight gain.

2. Learn to handle stress - Stress, especially stress related to work, is found to increase the chances of obesity. Researchers from the University of Rochester studied the causes of and solutions to obesity in employees from a manufacturing facility in New York. The study looked at 2800 professional male employees and discovered that those in more stressful positions had a BMI unit of weight more than those in less demanding jobs.

The same finding also holds true for women. In 2000, a study conducted by Yale University showed that non-overweight women vulnerable to the effects of stress were more likely to have excess abdominal fat with higher levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress. Studies have shown that cortisol can affect fat distribution by causing it to be stored in the abdomen around the organs.

3. Drink plenty of water - Recent studies have now shown that drinking water is an effective weight loss strategy. In a study, it was discovered that dieters who drank water before eating three times a day over the course of roughly three months lost five pounds more than those who did not have increased water consumption. Water has no calories and consuming it before meals makes less space for food in the stomach.

Researchers also noted that consuming water was better than soda and other sweetened drinks, which are packed with sugar or artificial sweeteners, additives that have found to contribute heavily to weight gain.

Moreover, it is suggested that six to eight glasses of water be taken daily to maintain the water content of the bile, according to Michael Murray, N.D., and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., in their book "The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods." Fresh fruit, pure water and vegetable juices are the preferred methods of meeting the body's water requirements.

4. Get a sufficient amount of sleep - Not getting enough sleep may increase your chances of becoming overweight in the long run. A recent study from Uppsala University revealed that the brain's response to food is more active after one night of sleep loss.

Researchers from Uppsala University together with researchers from other European universities studied the brain of 12 males with normal weights while the subjects viewed images of food. They examined regions in the brain involved with appetite sensation using magnetic imaging and compared results after a night with normal sleep and one obtained after one night without sleep. According to Christian Benedict, the lead researcher in the study, "After a night of total sleep loss, these males showed a high level of activation in an area of the brain that is involved in a desire to eat."

Insufficient sleep appears to be a problem that plagues modern society. Being able to get at least eight hours a night may be crucial in maintaining health and avoiding cardiovascular and weight-related conditions.

5. Exercise your way to health - In a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, maintaining weight and fitness levels as we grow older may be enough to see significant benefits.

According to Duck-chul Lee, a lead researcher in the study, if you're overweight, losing weight and improving your fitness may be the best combination for health maintenance. The study discovered that people who kept up or improved their fitness levels lowered their risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and their risk to metabolic syndrome (a term used to refer to a group of risk factors for heart disease such as unhealthy cholesterol level, abdominal obesity and high blood sugar.)

At the onset, people who are overweight often fail to notice their weight loss because they get hungrier and start eating more. This shouldn't discourage them, according to Dr. Lee. What is essential is to use exercise to get fit, and one way to decipher progress is to see how you feel when going through your exercise routine. If it's getting easier, you are getting fitter.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Burn calories

 Burn Calories in Traffic

If you're driving or taking transit you can easily work your muscles - here's how.

While sitting, contract your muscles isometrically (meaning that there's no movement, just a contraction) and hold for 10-15 seconds. Relax a few seconds and repeat several times.

You'll notice that your body temperature starts to rise and subsequently you'll raise your metabolism. Anything you can to increase the temperature of your body will help you burn more calories. And although throwing on a snow suit in the middle of the summer may not seem logical, static contraction is definitely doable and effective!

2. Squat it Out!

When you get to the office, before sitting down at your desk take a moment and perform 20 squats just off your chair. Repeat this movement several times throughout the day. You can make it more challenging for your body by wearing a weighted knapsack or doing them very slowly to increase the burn.

3. Be a smarter snacker

Instead of choosing last minute unhealthy snack options such as cookies, muffins, bagels, opt for fresh vegetables and nuts and seeds. Remember, a healthy weight loss diet is critical to your success. This is where most people totally lose any progress they've made.

An easy way to do this is to take a couple of minutes the night before and cut up some fresh veggies such as bell peppers, celery, cucumbers. These are great sources of fiber, water, and tons of nutrients. Keep them in a ziploc bag or tupperware and you're ready to go.

Also, prepare half a handful of sunflower/pumpkin seeds, almonds, and walnuts (if no allergies are present) and snack on these throughout the day. These are great sources of omega-3 and 6 essential fatty acids and help stabilize your blood sugar. As a result, you won't feel as hungry and will be less likely to search out unhealthy snacks.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Risks of being overweight

Anastasia Weight Loss : Risks of being overweight: Why do so many people fail at losing weight? Is it because they are lazy? No. Is it because they are addicted to food? No. Is it because t...

Risks of being overweight

Why do so many people fail at losing weight? Is it because they are lazy? No. Is it because they are addicted to food? No. Is it because they are not good at exercising? No. Failure at weight loss stems from a few main factors:
  • People don't truly understand the risks of being overweight. Why do most want to lose weight? Most would say to look better. Looking better certainly is a benefit of losing weight, but this should be the sole reason to lose weight. There is a 1000 pound gorilla in the room and it’s often ignored. Being overweight for a long period of time kills thousands of people each year. Thousands of studies have shown and proven without any doubt that losing body fat will improve and lengthen your life. Knowing the dangers of being overweight is a tremendous motivator to not only lose fat, but to keep it off.
  • People don't commit to permanent lifestyle changes. So many people think of a "diet" as something temporary. When they are on a "diet" they restrict themselves so much that they are miserable. Sooner or later failure is inevitable because of the unreasonable demands of most "diets." Some of these diets force you to only eat certain foods (e.g., no carbs, special soups etc…) You, like myself, have probably tried them before. The key to losing weight long term is to make gradual lifestyle changes you can stick to forever.
  • Most individuals are not provided the truthful facts of losing weight and becoming healthier. With the conflicting information in the media, and all of the different lose weight quick fad diets, it’s understandable why so many people really don’t know the truth about losing fat and keeping it off long term.
  • Most people don't understand they are constantly either gaining fat, or losing fat. There is no in-between. Some people justify to begin or giving up because they hit a small road-block. This isn't an all or nothing game. For example, when I was overweight, if I ate an unhealthy lunch, I’d go ahead and eat an unhealthy dinner since I already "messed up" the day. Or I’d say, I’ll start eating healthy on Monday since i have already eaten poorly this weekend. Every person at times eats too much. The successful people will not let a road bump completely derail their entire lifestyle change. If you are not implementing positive lifestyle changes and losing weight, you are gaining weight. Again, there is no "in-between."
  • Most people don't realize what they consume each day. So many overweight people eat thousands of extra calories and fat without realizing it. It’s tough to know if you are gaining weight or losing weight each day unless you are keeping an eye on what you’re consuming. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Protein for muscle growth

Nutrition has been linked to various physical and psychological ailments such as asthma, allergies and depression. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are used to treat depression, according to the Mayo Clinic. Eating a balanced diet makes you feel better, gives you more energy and can help prevent some types of cancer, reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke. Knowing what constitutes a balanced diet will help you make better choices for nutritional balance.


Protein is important for muscle growth. Lack of protein can cause growth failure, muscle loss, decreased immunity, weakening of the heart and respiratory system and death, notes the Harvard School of Public Health. The recommended daily minimum is 0.8g of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day, according to the Institute of Medicine.

Sources of protein include beef, poultry, fish, pork and other meats. Meat has lots of protein, but can also have a high fat content. Choose fish or lean meats and smaller portions to keep the amount of saturated fat in your diet low. Saturated fats are not good fats. Eggs are an excellent source of protein. A good mix of proteins includes low fat dairy, soy products and protein containing vegetables.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Solution to weight loss

Anastasia Weight Loss : Solution to weight loss: Your Weight "Set Point" Just as your body temperature is programmed to stay around 98.6 degrees, your body weight is naturally r...

Solution to weight loss

Your Weight "Set Point"

Just as your body temperature is programmed to stay around 98.6 degrees, your body weight is naturally regulated to stay within a range of 10%-20%, says Thomas Wadden, PhD, director of the Center for Weight and Eating Disorders at University of Pennsylvania Medical School. This weight range is known as the "set point."
A complex set of hormones, chemicals, and hunger signals help your body naturally maintain your weight within this range, says American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD.
It is not just a matter of genetics, though. Your eating and exercise habits can also help to determine your set point.
"Overeating swamps the internal regulatory system, and, as a result, the set point increases -- which is much easier to do than it is to lower it," says Wadden. The body adjusts to the higher weight and "resets" the set point to defend the new weight.
It is difficult, but not impossible, to set your range lower. "With changes in healthy eating and exercise behavior, you can lower your set point," says Blatner.

The 10% Solution to Weight Loss

A recent book, Break Through Your Set Point: How to Finally Lose the Weight You Want and Keep It Off, by George Blackburn, MD, suggests that maintaining a 10% loss for six months to a year helps your body adjust to the lower weight and thus reset the set point.
Wadden explains that when you lose large amounts of weight at once, you set up an internal struggle and hormones like ghrelin spike to make you hungrier as your body tries to defend its comfortable range.
Instead, experts recommend that you try losing 10% the old-fashioned way -- by slowly changing eating and exercise behaviors -- then maintain this new weight for a few months before trying to lose more.  Not only will your body get the signal to lower its "set point," but you'll give yourself a chance to get used to new food choices, smaller portions, and regular exercise.
“When patients lose 10% it may not be the pant size they want, but they start to realize how a little weight loss impacts their health in very positive ways," says Blatner. "They feel better, sleep better, have more energy or less joint pain, and some people are able to reduce medications."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Essential fatty acids

Anastasia Weight Loss : Essential fatty acids: Fats Essential fatty acids improve cholesterol levels, help lower blood pressure and protect the heart, according to the Mayo...

Essential fatty acids


Essential fatty acids improve cholesterol levels, help lower blood pressure and protect the heart, according to the Mayo Clinic. Healthy fats include monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. Polyunsaturated fats include vegetable oils, sunflower, safflower, soy and cottonseed oils along with nuts and seeds. Omega-3 fatty acids are comprised of fatty cold-water fish such as salmon, herring and mackerel, flaxseeds, flax oil and walnuts.


The body uses carbohydrates for energy. There are two types of carbohydrates simple and complex. Complex carbohydrates, also called starches, include whole grains, pasta, rice, bread and crackers. Whole grain carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, wheat bran or germ, oatmeal and other grains provide fiber in the diet. Dietary fiber is essential for a balanced healthy diet. A high-fiber diet may help reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. The daily recommendation for fiber is 21 to 25g for women and 30 to 38g for men.

Vegetables are both simple and complex carbohydrates. The starchy vegetables are complex the rest fall into the simple carbohydrate category. Vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet. They provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. You should aim for nine servings per day, 4 ½ cups of fruits and vegetables, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Simple carbohydrates are simple sugars that include refined sugars, fruits and milk. The best choice for simple carbohydrates is eating fruit. Fruits such as raspberries, strawberries and blueberries are high in fiber and rich in antioxidants. Oranges, limes and grapefruit are rich in vitamin C.


The human body is two-thirds water. All the cells in the body need water to function. Water also moves all the nutrients through the body and lubricates joints. Water is the healthiest choice. It is calorie free and is easy to find.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Healthy weight loss tips

Anastasia Weight Loss : Healthy weight loss tips: THE WEIGHT CONNECTION Magnesium and the B-complex vitamins are energy nutrients: they activate enzymes that control digestion, ab...

Healthy weight loss tips

Magnesium and the B-complex vitamins are energy nutrients: they activate enzymes that control digestion, absorption, and the utilization of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Lack of these necessary energy nutrients causes improper utilization of food, leading to such far-ranging symptoms as hypoglycemia, anxiety, and obesity.

Food craving and overeating can be simply a desire to continue eating past fullness because the body is, in fact, craving nutrients that are missing from processed food. You continue to eat empty calories that pack on the pounds but get you no further ahead in your nutrient requirements.

Magnesium is also necessary in the chemical reaction that allows insulin to usher glucose into cells, where glucose is involved in making energy for the body. If there is not enough magnesium to do this job, both insulin and glucose become elevated. The excess glucose gets stored as fat and contributes to obesity. Having excess insulin puts you on the road toward diabetes.

The connection between stress and obesity cannot be overlooked. The stress chemical cortisol signals a metabolic shutdown that makes losing weight almost impossible. It's as if the body feels it is under an attack such that it must hoard all its resources, including fat stores, and won't let go of them under any inducement. Magnesium can effectively neutralize the effects of stress.

The public has been told that obesity is inherited, which makes people think they don't have a hand in creating this problem and can continue their bad habits and blame their genes. Animal experiments show, however, that if a mouse with an obesity gene is deprived of B vitamins, the obesity will be expressed. But if it is fed plenty of B vitamins, it will remain thin. The process of metabolizing B vitamins is called methylation, and magnesium is necessary for one of the most important steps in this process.

Every metabolic function in the body requires vitamins and minerals - without them, symptoms develop. Therefore, the first step in treating nonspecific symptoms is diet and dietary supplements, not drugs. It is also important to note that many of the weight loss diets that people subject themselves to are often deficient in magnesium.

Gaining weight around your middle is related to magnesium deficiency and an inability to properly utilize insulin. It also sets the stage for Syndrome X. You only need a tape measure to diagnose a predisposition to Syndrome X - a waist size above 40 inches in men and above 35 in women puts you at risk. In their book The Magnesium Factor, authors Mildred Seelig, M.D., and Andrea Rosanoff, Ph.D., take note of research showing that over half the insulin in the bloodstream is directed at abdominal tissue. They theorize that as more and more insulin is produced to deal with a high-sugar diet, abdominal girth increases to process the extra insulin.