Friday, November 30, 2012

Anastasia Weight Loss : Improving strength power and endurance

Anastasia Weight Loss : Improving strength power and endurance: Kettlebell training was first used during the 1700s, and is today experiencing increased attention as an effective and fun part of a tra...

Improving strength power and endurance

Kettlebell training was first used during the 1700s, and is today experiencing increased attention as an effective and fun part of a training program. When used correctly, kettlebell exercises build strength and endurance and can be used as part of a weight loss program or when trying to improve back problems. The basic movements engage the entire body and are often used as part of interval training, crossfit, circuit training etc.

The world's most famous spine expert, Dr. Stuart McGill, discovered some unique loading patterns during the kettlebell swing. These loading patterns and the strengthening of the posterior chain contribute to the improved back health some people experience from doing kettlebell exercises. Other studies support these findings and also show that properly performed kettlebell movements reduce pain in the neck and shoulders.

Kettlebell training can be an effective tool when trying to improve strength, power and endurance. Exercises usually involve explosive movements and shouldn't be performed in the slow and controlled way seen in regular weight training. Kettlebell training isn't as effective as Olympic exercises when training for strength, but includes beneficial movements not found in weightlifting and is also easier to learn.

Kettlebells can be an excellent part of an aerobic workout, and research shows that during an intense 20 minute snatch workout, the caloric burn is at least 20 calories per minute. This is according to the researchers off the charts and compares to cross-country skiing up-hill at a fast pace.

Compared to explosive barbell movements; kettlebell exercises can be done with less weight and are easier to perform. This is the reason kettlebells can be an excellent part of a high intensity circuit training or interval training.

Getting started with kettlebells

Beginners with no previous experience should consult an experienced coach who can teach them how to perform the different exercises. The basic movements can usually be learned quickly and are excellent tools when learning hip extension, glute activation and proper movement patterns.

Performing kettlebell exercises the wrong way increases the risk of injury and limits the actual benefits of the exercise.

Females can usually start with a 12 to 26 pound kettlebell, while an appropriate starting weight for males is between 20 and 35 pounds. If the kettlebell is too light, the movement won't engage the glutes and hamstrings properly.

Beginners will usually experience some pain in the wrist area when doing certain exercises. This is natural and will reduce as they adapt to the exercises and improve their technique .

A 20 minute kettlebell workout performed twice a week can be very effective when trying to enhance back health, lose weight and improve strength and endurance. A couple of minutes of work followed by short breaks can be a good start when using kettlebells as part of an aerobic workout.

Anastasia Weight Loss : Effective way to cleanse your liver

Anastasia Weight Loss : Effective way to cleanse your liver: It seems like half the world is trying to lose weight right now, and many are restricting calories and hitting the gym. While these aren't...

Effective way to cleanse your liver

It seems like half the world is trying to lose weight right now, and many are restricting calories and hitting the gym. While these aren't bad options for either health or weight loss, they aren't the fastest or most effective ways to lose weight either. The hands down fastest and most effective way to lose excess weight is to cleanse your liver. Why? Your liver is your prime fat burning organ and it's also your prime detoxification organ. So, when your liver is overwhelmed with toxins - which is incredibly common these days - it makes it challenging for your liver to get around to burning fat. And when this is the case, weight loss is very difficult - no matter what you do. This is exactly why most people struggle when trying to lose weight, and this is the reason it so often seems like an uphill battle.

But when you ease your liver's detoxification burden, your liver will have the space to burn fat. And since that's what a great deal of people want, it makes sense to help your liver along by detoxifying your liver.

The most effective way to cleanse your liver is with coffee enemas. In fact, using coffee enemas with other weight loss methods might ultimately mean the difference between success and failure. Even a few weeks of coffee enemas can kick start the weight loss process and really get you going in the right direction.

To enhance your weight loss and detoxification, you can do coffee enemas while juice fasting. Juice fasting with coffee enemas is an easy and safe way to both detoxify your body and lose excess weight quickly. If you have weight to lose, it wouldn't be uncommon to lose ten pounds with a week of juice fasting and coffee enemas - and you will keep most of it off, as long as you revert to a healthy fruit and vegetable centered diet that's low on carbohydrates. If you're new to fasting, you'll probably experience some detoxification symptoms during the process, so make sure you understand what's going on before you get started. And with any enemas, you'll also want to make sure you're replenishing your healthy bacteria afterward.

Other ways to support your liver on an on-going basis are to keep your lifestyle chemical-free and your diet as close to nature as possible. Processed foods, unnatural foods, and chemicals from all sources create a burden on our liver (that often leads to disease) and makes it very hard for us to lose weight. Herbs like milk thistle, dandelion, and burdock root also support and cleanse the liver, although to a far lesser degree than coffee enemas.